Japan’s Trade Deficit Edges Up

TOKYO—Japan’s trade deficit edged up in September despite a rebound in exports helped by a weaker yen and a surge in output among suppliers of Apple Inc.’s new smartphones. The latest figures, released Wednesday by Japan’s finance ministry, again demonstrate the mixed...

Taoiseach presses EU leaders for climate deal concessions

Suzanne Lynch, Arthur Beesley Taoiseach Enda Kenny is pressing European leaders to grant special concessions to Ireland as they advance a new climate change deal to curb harmful emissions. At a summit this evening in Brussels, Mr Kenny will seek to convince his...

US trade agenda awaits midterm elections

By Shawn Donnan (Financial Times) See at  http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/209bac34-5834-11e4-b331-00144feab7de.html#ixzz3GxL4KwPf If Republicans seize control of the Senate in next month’s midterm elections, it would be bad news politically for Barack Obama and his...